Asked Questions
Learn more about Investalum and find answers on many questions you have. Below you can find useful information for you!
Can I use Investalum App with My Android OS in my mobile phone?
Yes, Investalum is compatible with any OS. You can install it on your mobile, which works on Android OS. Besides, you can either install it on your tablet, and use the App simultaneously.
Will my photos and videos be secured, if I upload them to the cloud?
Yes, it works, but it will have limited functions. To operate with Investalum fully, you need an access to Internet.
Does the App work offline?
Investalum has some functionality, that can be used for cryptocurrency operations. We are currently working on creating additional options for it.
Do you have options for cryptocurrency?
We offer to try our free version, so you could feel all the benefits and make your own opinion about the App!